About Us

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs more helping!

What we do

Volunteer and take a step forward to make visionary India

A little contribution from your side can light someone's life.

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About Us

Our main goal is to protect Environment

Rotary clubs across India have been supporting eye-care services for the underprivileged over the last 25 years through eye-hospitals established by some of the clubs as well as through well established eye hospitals providing Community Ophthalmology services and Private Practioners. Rotary supports primarily in creating awareness, subsidizing the treatment and strengthening the medical infrastructure of the partnering eye hospitals. The main objective of Rotary Avoidable Blindness Foundation (RABF) is to work with all the Rotary Districts in India leveraging technology in the form of a Web portal that could be efficiently support Ophthalmologists and Eye Hospitals involved in Community Ophthalmology for providing eye-care services to urban and rural poor through Rotary clubs. The Foundation by show-casing its services to the community shall seek donations from individuals and companies.